The Royal Kingston Curling Club offers a large variety of leagues that accommodate a wide range of curlers. So, whether you’re a recreational player or someone competitive; if you’re 5, 95 or somewhere in-between, we are sure to have a league suitable for you.
When Can I Play?
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Day Men's Senior Flight 9:00 AM or 11:15 AM or 1:30 PM |
Day Men's Club 9:00 AM |
Day Women's Club 9:00 AM |
Day Men's Club 9:00 AM |
Ice Rentals |
Clinics |
Juniors 11:30 AM |
4P Open Stick 11:15 AM |
Daytime Mixed Rec Flight 11:15 AM |
Little Rocks 1:30 PM |
Day Women's Club 1:30 PM |
Ice Rentals 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
Mixed Rec Flight 3:30 PM |
Evening Men's Flight 5:00 PM or 7:10 PM or 9:20 PM |
Evening Women's Club 5:30 PM |
Evening Men's Club 5:15 PM or 7:30 PM |
KSSC Rental 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM |
Open Doubles 7:45 PM or 9:15 PM |
Day Women
Chair: Josee Dumas-Hurt
Vice-Chair: Vacant
Past-Chair: Sylvia Myers
We are a group of like-minded women who come out to have fun curling several days a week. The league includes Club curling on Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon. Day Women also have a flight league curling on Tuesdays at either 11:15 am or 1:30 pm. Please see the league descriptions below.
Club – Wednesday @ 9:00 AM and Thursday @ 1:30 PM
Convenor: France Kelly
On Wednesdays (9:00 AM) and Thursdays (1:30 PM) we have Club curling. This is a less competitive, more relaxed type of game. During the course of a curling season ladies will play on four different teams corresponding with four consecutive draws. Each draw is usually six weeks in length. Having the opportunity to play on different teams enables all curlers, especially the new participants, to “mix & mingle” with more of the Day Women's membership. For the 2024-2025 season, draw 3 and 4 of Wednesday morning Club will run as a drop-in League. Each wednesday, registered curlers can choose to participate and teams will be organized at that time. No win/loss will be recorded.
Flight – Tuesday @ 11:15 AM or 1:30 PM
Convenor: Anna Voskamp, Debbie Hynes
Flight curling takes place on Tuesdays at 11:15 AM or 1:30 PM. The teams are self-chosen and remain together as a team the entire curling season. The goal of Flight curling is to offer league play for women who want to participate in more competitive curling.
For more information about Day Women please contact Josee Dumas-Hurt.
Evening Women
Chair: Karen Matheson
Club – Wednesday @ 5:30 PM
Convenor: Liz Baer – rkccladiesclubcurling
We have four draws over the season and each draw usually runs 5-6 weeks. In the club format at the start of each draw, teams are put together as selected by skips or randomly placed on teams. The club format provides an opportunity to curl with different league members and club curlers are rated by curling position to plan for balanced teams.
Flight – Monday @ 5:15 PM or 7:30 PM
Convenors: Karen Matheson, Carol Fitzpatrick
Flight curling is a great way for four experienced friends to curl together for the curling season. Members create their own team and stay together as a "rink" for the entire season. At the time of curling registration, If you do not have a team, please indicate that you are available for flight curling and the convenor will try to assist you with getting a team.
Day Men
Vice-Chair: Vacant
Club – Tuesday & Thursday @ 9:00 AM
Convenor: Terry Romain
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:00 AM are devoted to the popular and unique RKCC Day Mens Club format. Each day you will curl with and against 7 different people. As well, each curler curls two ends at each position (i.e. two ends at lead, two ends at second, two ends at vice and two ends at skip). Curlers gather around 8:30ish when our team of skilled handicappers make up the teams for that day. Their goal is to make the teams competitively even as possible. They do a very good job.
The emphasis for Day Mens Club is on fun and fellowship. This is a great way to quickly meet and get to know other curlers in the club.
During the year, the Day Mens Program puts on two in-house bonspiels which usually take place on Fridays. Curlers sign up individually and are assigned to a team who compete in several games that day. Lunch is provided and the cost to participate in these events is very reasonable.
Senior Flight – Monday @ 9 AM, 11:15 AM and 1:30 PM
Convenor: Eric McLean
Monday is devoted to the Day Mens Senior Flight program. Players must be 50 years or older. Thirty two to thirty six teams are formed or selected at the start of the year and compete through the season in four flights of approx. eight teams. Flight curling runs through three time slots 9:00AM, 11:15 AM and 1:30PM. Each round, teams within a flight play each other, at the end of which one or two teams move up or down the ladder based on their win loss records. This reshuffling of the deck happens twice during the season and helps ensure that teams find their best competitive niche. At season end, a winner and bragging rights are determined for each flight.
If you are interested in being on a flight team, let us know and we will do our best to accommodate this. Spares are always needed and if you are interested, we will place you on the spares list.
On Monday’s, a lunch is served at nominal cost by our own members. This has become a very popular weekly event.
Evening Men
Chair: Anthony Hale
Club – Thursday @ 5:15 PM, 7:30 PM
Convenor: Anthony Hale
Evening Men's club curling takes place on Thursday evening. Game times are at 5:15 or 7:30. Curlers are asked to sign up for one of these game times and the convenor will try to match your preference. All games are completed within two hours. There are four draws per season with each draw lasting 6 weeks. At the start of each draw, new teams are created via a draft which is coordinated by the convenor. These new team compositions provide a chance to curl with new people and build the club network among members.
Flight – Tuesday @ 5 PM, 7:10 PM and 9:20 PM
Convenor: Anthony Hale
Evening Men includes the Tuesday evening Flight league. In this competitive league teams build their own roster and plan to curl together. This is the largest league at the club with a maximum of 42 registered teams. Each curler must complete their own registration and it is helpful for the convenor if at registration curlers indicate the names of your proposed team-mates. At the beginning of each season, preference is given to returning teams, with a registration deadline of September 15th, after which, new teams are entered if there is league capacity.
Convenors: Janet & Peter Waugh
Committee: Mary Kelly & Dale Marecak
Mixed curling has 5 options for curlers. There is a competitive flight option, three recreational flight options that are “less” competitive, and a club format in which the teams are shuffled in each of the 3 draws.
For individual members or couples looking to join Mixed Flight, every effort will be made to accommodate you. Where there are multiple league times listed, a team schedule will alternate between these times.
Daytime Mixed Recreational Flight – Friday @ 11:15 AM (new in 2024-25)
Convenors: Janet & Peter Waugh
Players in this new recreational flight league form their own teams and stay together throughout the season. This is a less competitive option. There will be a maximum of 12 teams. Teams will consist of both men and women with at least one from each gender. The throwing order does not need to alternate between genders. For individual members or couples looking to join this Daytime Mixed Flight, every effort will be made to accommodate you.
Mixed Flight – Friday @ 5:00 PM, 7:15 PM and 9:20 PM
Convenors: Janet & Peter Waugh
Players in the flight section form their own teams and stay together throughout the year. Teams consist of two men and two women, and the throwing order must alternate genders. This is the competitive flight league.
Mixed Recreational Flight – Friday @ 5:00 PM, 7:15 PM and 9:20 PM
Convenors: Janet & Peter Waugh
Players in this flight league form their own teams and stay together throughout the season. Teams will consist of both men and women (at least one from each gender) and the throwing order does not need to alternate between genders.
Open Club – Friday @ 5:00 PM, 7:15 PM and 9:20 PM
Convenor: Linda Lott
The Open club format is perfect for new curlers, who want to meet other club members as well as for individuals or couples who do not want to commit to a flight team. All teams are an open format which provides for any combination of female and male curlers.. New teams are formed at the start of each of the three draws and every effort is made to ensure that curlers aren’t on the same team more than once. For couples who wish to play together, please let the convenor know and we again will do our best to accommodate you. For those that do not wish to be on the same team again let the convenor know. Teams play six end games.
Mixed Recreational Flight – Sunday @ 3:30 PM
Convenors: Janet & Peter Waugh
This is a more recreational atmosphere. The format is a flight style in which you form your own teams for the full season. Teams will consist of both men and women (at least one from each gender) and the throwing order does not need to alternate between genders. This draw fills up quickly and priority is given to returning teams.
For the 2024-25 season, the following events are on the mixed calendar:
Our annual Turkey Bonspiel will be held on Saturday, December 14, 2024. This is a members only event and features our Turkey Shoot for a chance to guessed it, a turkey!
The Empire Life Mixed Bonspiel will be held on February 21-22, 2025. This invitational event is open to all clubs. There is usually a theme for this event and it is always a fun time!
Open Stick
Chair: Kathy Jackson
The Stick League was organized for curlers who could no longer use a conventional delivery from down in the hack or more commonly called, a slide delivery. Everyone in the league uses a curling delivery stick to deliver the rock.
The league is not restricted only to those who cannot throw from the slide position.
Anyone who is willing, and interested, to use a curling stick is welcome to participate.
All full members who curl using a curling delivery stick are allowed to spare in the stick leagues.
No experience is necessary. We will be happy to teach you!
There are two different sections, which are not mutually exclusive.
2 Person – Wednesday @ 11:15 AM, 12:15 PM and 1:15 PM
Kathy Jackson (Chair), David Townsend, Tom Sephton
Teams are composed of two curlers.
Games are 6 ends with each player throwing 6 rocks each end.
Sweeping is allowed only from the hog line in.
There is a Social Member (enhanced) Membership for a reduced membership fee. This non-voting member has the same privileges as a Social Member, but with optional on-ice privileges which are limited to once a week participation in the 2-person Stick League. No sparing is allowed.
4 Person – Thursday @ 11:15 AM
Kathy Jackson (Chair), David Townsend, Tom Sephton
Teams are composed of four curlers, mixed or otherwise.
All normal curling rules apply with the exception of some “INHOUSE” rules enacted by the membership.
There may be some dates that are unavailable for stick curling because of other ice priorities.
Check the schedule on the notice board or the Club Calendar for game date changes.
Open Doubles – Wednesday @ 7:45 PM and 9:15 PM
Chair: Ian Gauthier
Convenors: Michael Flowers, Peter Coughlin
Welcome to the 2024-25 season. The Open Doubles league has a maximum registration of twenty four teams and “Open” Doubles team can be any combination of female and male players and no previous Doubles experience is necessary.
Why play Doubles? It is a fast paced, six end game and in each end only five rocks are thrown per team. Curling Canada identifies it as the fastest growing part of our sport and at RKCC we have a good mix of competition and fun. Team members must work together to plan the curling shots and take turns with throwing and sweeping. Many Doubles curlers comment on their enjoyment with the format and their active role in strategy, teamwork and the variety of shot making.
There are some rule differences from traditional four person curling: positioned rocks at the start of each end; a different free guard zone rule and the optional power play option once per game. If you would like to learn about the rules, Curling Canada has the current rules posted on their website (see Mixed Doubles). The graphics illustrating rock position are super helpful. We also provide some informal coaching on the rules as curlers new to the league settle into the format.
Curling Canada – Mixed Doubles Curling Rules for Officiated Play
If you want to see some of the pros making it look easy, the Curling Canada YouTube channel has many games posted
In Doubles, there are options for where each curler is positioned at the time of rock delivery. Some players prefer to throw the rock and then move into position to sweep and the line is called by their team mate in the house at the other end of the sheet. Other curlers prefer to throw the rock and their Doubles partner is positioned at the hog line, ready to sweep and the line is called by the curler who threw the rock. Both players may also sweep. Stick curlers are welcome in Open Double
Games are scheduled on Wednesday evening at either 7:45 pm or 9:15 pm. A well played doubles game takes about 75 minutes so one can be home before it is too late. Doubles is a flight format, with Divisions A, B and C and our season is divided into three draws: Week one through til Christmas Break and then January, February and then the final draw to season end. The flight format provides for adjustment at each break, with the top two flight teams moving up one flight and the lower two teams moving down one flight. Playoff competition is held in April with presentation of the Riverhead Doubles trophy to the championship team.
Doubles players should be familiar with the online club website as all schedules/standings are posted on line and teams will post game results (win/loss/tie) directly to the website.
Teams can be registered with two members, however, if you anticipate regular absence for a team member, you may register as a team of three. If you cannot make a game, please arrange for a spare curler. You might invite another league player to step in or check the Doubles spare list. It is required that a spare must be a league member or registered on the spare list. Individual RKCC members can sign up on the spare list. We know that there may also be some curlers who would like to try Doubles, but may not have a team. You can add your name to the Free Agent Listing, under the Doubles category on the club website, under Members services or sign up to be a spare for the Doubles league. You are also able to register without a teammate and our committee will lend a hand to match up interested Doubles curlers.
We will also be hosting our Open Doubles bonspiel on Saturday November 30th, 2024 – this is one of the few invitational Doubles bonspiels in the Greater Kingston area, so watch for the flyer and plan to be there.
Still not sure if you want to try Doubles? Send an email question to any of the league organizers, Ian Gauthier,Michael Flowers, Peter Coughlin
We look forward to seeing you on the ice.
Juniors – Sunday @ 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM
Convenor: Michael Berry
First day of curling will be Sunday, October 6th, 2024. Juniors aged 5 - 20 are welcome to join. Curlers will be grouped according to skill level and age. The first two weeks of curling will involve skills refreshment and training and will be used to assess the juniors. Please remember to bring curling shoes or clean indoor shoes to wear on the ice.
Juniors (for experienced curlers, ages 11-20) – Sunday @ 11:30 AM to 1:15 PM
Junior League curlers will be assigned to mixed teams and play in approximately 6 week draws that will include scheduled games in all formats of the game (Doubles, Triples, and Traditional Fours) and practice/training sessions based around skills development. With each new draw, teams will be changed so everyone gets to play with different curlers.
Little Rocks & Learn to Curl (for younger athletes and novice curlers, ages 5-20) – Sunday @ 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
The youngest and beginner curlers will focus on skill development and learning the game of curling. A variety of on-ice training activities and games in the triples format will be in place for the older and/or more advanced curlers in this group.
1. Helmets – The Canadian Curling Association (CCA) has implemented a rule that all children 12 and under are required to wear a helmet that passes CSA – testing while on the ice. Parents of teens over the age of 12 may sign a waiver to exempt their use of a helmet while on the ice. All Coaches will enforce this rule.
2. Clothing – All youth will be asked to bring only clean dry footwear or curling shoes on the ice shed surface. They will also be required to wear athletic and warm comfortable clothing. (No jeans or dress pants) All children should have some form of mittens or gloves available for the duration of game play.